how to become a principal without being a teacher

 how to become a principal without being a teacher

Can you become a school principal without ever being a teacher?

It's like comparing apples to oranges just because they both grow on trees. Learning and leadership are only tangentially related.

That being said, the answer is: main. In the past I have been forced to go on a major training program and my answer was a resounding "no". Why? Because my time is more valuable to me than what the directors here pay... and the directors here pay very well.

Most of the principals I've met over the years have either been older empty nesters who have never been laid, or people with a stay-at-home partner. Being a director requires a lot of time, especially in the evenings. People who also need to worry about their children during these hours don't like it.

Being a director also requires a certain amount of tact, which I would struggle with if I had to do it regularly. I can write a tactful email to my parents from time to time, but I have dozens of contacts with my parents every day, each of which can be used against me in the future. No, thanks.

One of the advantages of being a teacher versus a principal is the ability to delegate the uncomfortable but necessary conversations with parents to the principal. About twice a year I run into a situation with a student that requires parental notification, but it's serious enough that I just turn it over to the principal and let them handle it. Like when you casually search the history of a student's Chromebook at school and discover that they've been watching porn on it at home. I'll just pass it on to the principal and tell the parents.

The school principal is one of the most important positions in education administration. Principals are responsible for supervising the operation of primary, secondary and tertiary schools. They also play an integral role in helping teachers become better educators and in guiding students.

Although most school principals start out as teachers before moving into administrative positions, this is not the only route you can take.

Complete your bachelor's degree.

The first step to becoming a school principal is to complete a bachelor's degree.1 A bachelor's degree in education is the most common degree people earn in preparation for careers as teachers and eventually school principals or administrators. Alternatively, you can get a degree in English, Maths or another subject that interests you.

Most people spend several years teaching, and some states require candidates to have a minimum amount of teaching experience before moving into administrative roles. But learning isn't the only way to gain the experience you need to become a principal. School counseling and other similar roles in the educational environment can also equip you with the necessary skills. The key is to choose a college degree program that suits your abilities and the position you hope to achieve after graduation.

Complete your bachelor's degree.

The first step to becoming a school principal is to complete a bachelor's degree.1 A bachelor's degree in education is the most common degree people earn in preparation for careers as teachers and eventually school principals or administrators. Alternatively, you can get a degree in English, Maths or another subject that interests you.

Most people spend several years teaching, and some states require candidates to have a minimum amount of teaching experience before moving into administrative roles. But learning isn't the only way to gain the experience you need to become a principal. School counseling and other similar roles in the educational environment can also equip you with the necessary skills. The key is to choose a college degree program that suits your abilities and the position you hope to achieve after graduation.

Get a teaching certificate.

All states mandate that every public school teacher hold a certificate, sometimes called a license, but specific requirements vary from state to state.2 If you plan to apply for teaching positions in multiple states, it may be best to apply for a job first and then meet all the requirements for obtaining a license in the state where you are hired. Most certificates will not be transferred to other states.

Some states offer teacher certification reciprocity—a term that can be misleading because it does not mean that certification from one state will automatically be valid in another state; most often you must meet additional requirements to become certified in a new state. The Education Commission of States has information on teacher certification reciprocity, as well as links to individual state commissions and answers to questions about state licensure.3

Gain professional experience in an educational environment.

Not every state requires teaching experience to become a principal, but even in states that don't, it can be a good idea. Many states allow you to work as a substitute teacher during your bachelor's program to gain additional experience before entering a teaching career. If you can't find a teaching job immediately after graduation, substitute teaching can give you post-graduate experience and develop your skills in areas such as classroom management, communication and organisation.

Continue with a master's degree in education.

Most public and private schools in the US require or strongly prefer that every principal and administrator have a graduate degree.

A master's degree in education builds skills in:

Evaluating the skills of other instructors

We help educators improve classroom instruction

School leadership and management

Communication with students and parents

Dealing with legal matters

Budget management and finding financing options

Hiring and managing staff and teachers

Developing intercultural skills for teaching in diverse settings

Master's programs can take two to three years, depending on the program and how quickly each student progresses through it. Online master's programs allow students to expand their teaching experience and learn to become principals while continuing in their current professional roles. As part of your degree requirements, you will complete classroom instruction in person or online. Many programs also require you to complete an internship where you will work with administrators to learn about the director's areas of responsibility

Diversify your skills and experience.

Teaching experience can help you succeed as a principal, but it's certainly not all you need. Principals play many different roles in a school,

therefore, it is essential to find ways to develop:

A student-centered view

Knowledge of current and anticipated future trends in education

Desire for lifelong learning

Interpersonal communication

Ability to solve problems, lead and organize

To gain real-world experience in these areas, join committees or take on leadership roles during your time as a teacher. If you're not yet ready to become a director, consider applying

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